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Top Contact Center Stories of 2017: Page 5 of 12

Cisco Acquiring BroadSoft

While much has been written about the UC and contact center cloud applications and carrier relationships Cisco will acquire when it finalizes its purchase of BroadSoft later this year, an AI element may come into play as well.

BroadSoft has been selling CC-One, a CCaaS solution, for the last year, since its acquisition of Transera. As seen in this slide's "Intelligence" column, BroadSoft shows predictive and prescriptive analytics, and in the "Improvements" column, next best action. These terms imply that BroadSoft is either already applying elements of machine learning or is at the penultimate step before incorporating AI components. It'll be interesting to watch Cisco's post-acquisition roadmap to see if CC-One's Analyzer survives.