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What Do You Buy with 5k and AI?: Page 2 of 2

Continued from Page 1

Looking Toward Future Capabilities

As Apple does in its newly introduced high-end iPhone X, Cisco supports facial recognition for authentication. It's shipping facial recognition in Spark Boards now, but only as an experimental capability that a system administrator must turn on and train. Today it simply puts a name on the screen in front of a person recognized through facial recognition.

So, why is facial recognition in a video conference important? In the future, it may provide:

  1. Rosters of who was or is in a room at any given time.
  2. Visual sentiment analysis as opposed to simple voice sentiment analysis. This is important given the high percentage of communication contained in the visual cues we all give off. The system may be able to discern engagement level.
  3. An even easier way to enable meetings to start and end on time. As opposed to just an ultrasonic signal that the Spark Board sends to a smartphone to detect personal presence, facial recognition allows the system to authenticate a user visually. Coupled with the smartphone app, or even a lowly passcode, it can enable two-factor authentication. It would also authenticate participants who have forgotten to bring their smartphones to meetings, or it could authenticate authorized third parties or guest presenters.

Additional capabilities will be coming:

  • The use of intelligent assistants along with voice recognition will allow people to start and control a meeting using natural language like Scotty in Star Trek did when talking to a computer: "Computer, start my conference" or "Computer, call so-and-so." Cisco demoed this during its Enterprise Connect 2017 keynote, as shown in the screen capture below. Keynoter Jens Meggers, SVP and GM for Cisco's Cloud Collaboration Technology Group, launched a meeting via voice command to a virtual assistant. Notice the facial recognition at work: The system knows the faces of the three remote participants and superimposes their names on the video image.

  • The ability to "zoom in" on who is speaking at any given moment, coupled with AI and speech recognition, may allow a virtual meeting assistant to detect important decisions and zero in on a time stamp for them. This, in turn, can help to document what happened in important meetings, and allowing those not in attendance to "fast-forward" to the important parts when viewing the replay. This is similar to the IBM Watson Workspace "moments" capability that automatically summarizes team conversations and surfaces key action items. Down the road, I predict that the virtual assistant will be able to use body language to tell who is really engaged and supportive of meeting conclusions, and who isn't.
  • Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) aren't really new, but if people can begin using the Spark Board framework, along with tools provided by Cisco and third parties, then these technologies can potentially become compelling and useful. At Enterprise Connect, Cisco demoed some VR/AR research it's doing along with Oculus and others. Note that previous VR attempts by Nortel/Avaya and IBM didn't take off, although a small set of users really liked these products.

While whiteboarding with Spark Board is interesting, I've not found it particularly compelling. Most of the whiteboards I've used while practicing as an engineer were far bigger than the Spark Board screens. Plus, whiteboarding can be done with a variety of other less expensive methods.

The combined image below illustrates my point: on the left is an image Cisco's Meggers drew during that keynote I'd mentioned above, while the one on the right shows a similar image created at Cisco Live on a touch-enabled tablet running OneNote displaying its screen on a Spark Board. Yes, I get that Spark Board is multiparty and OneNote is "mostly" single party, but other collaboration tools have multiparty whiteboarding that can display on a screen at the front of the room, and people don't even have to leave their seats or offices to participate. Thus, for me, digital whiteboarding is interesting, but not really groundbreaking.

Far more useful and compelling, I think, are the capabilities that come along with the intelligence, video resolution, and processing power Cisco is adding to Spark Board:

  1. Far better video meetings in which the cameras zoom and frame automatically (today)
  2. The ability to do facial recognition (in experimental mode today) and facial authentication (future)
  3. Counting the number of participants in a meeting and identifying who they are (today)
  4. Reading participant body language to help meetings become even more effective (future)
  5. Very smart and useful digital assistants that can summarize the important points in a video meeting and do visual sentiment analysis (future)
  6. The ability to speak to a meeting room technology and have it intelligently start meetings and otherwise act as an intelligent assistant (future)
  7. VR/AR embedded right into our communications experiences, as appropriate and useful (future)

These kinds of advances require hardware and software working together along with advanced computing techniques that bring AI via ML into every office and workspace. So, what will you buy with 5k and AI? A far more productive future enabled through machine-assisted communications and collaboration.