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Top Contact Center Stories of 2014: Page 7 of 14

It was no surprise when Interactive Intelligence CEO Don Brown announced PureCloud during his keynote address at the company's annual Interactions 2014 event in Indianapolis. For over a year, Brown has been discussing the coming of a new multi-tenant cloud solution. What was a surprise was contact center will be just one part of a broader suite, one that includes Unified Communications.

Since its inception, the Interactive Intelligence CIC platform has included enterprise telephony as well as contact center. But there is a not-too-subtle shift in the company's emphasis. From a "we also have UC" story, the PureCloud message seems to be "CC and UC together...and more." Brown believes – rightly – that no leader has yet emerged in the cloud-based unified communications market. "We think there is a hole you could drive a Mack truck through – for enterprise grade, cloud 2.0 UC service."