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Matt Krebs

Matt Krebs

Matt Krebs is a research analyst at KelCor, Inc., focused on human/technology interaction. His primary interest is in technological innovation, both software and hardware, and the emergent technosocial systems and possibilities that attend innovation.

Matt was previously the director of the Japan/America Society of Kentucky (JASK) where he worked with Toyota, Hitachi, and other auto-industry OEMs and suppliers. Matt is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the department of anthropology at the University of Kentucky, where he specializes in ethnographic research and social network analysis.

As an anthropologist, Matt always looks first at what people are doing with technology, rather than what they could do. Matt's scholarly research, supported in part by Intel Labs, focuses on the "maker" movement. His ethnographic work engages "makers" using 3D printers in FabLabs in Japan.

Other topics about which Matt has written include unified communications, WebRTC, and public transit.