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Raikes Leaving Microsoft

Wow, another departure in the top leadership of a major UC contender: Microsoft announces the retirement of Business Division president Jeff Raikes.Raikes led the launch of Office Communications Server 2007. UPDATE: Raikes tells the hometown paper, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, that he's probably going to pursue interests outside the software business. The transition plan calls for Raikes to leave in September 2008, giving time for the division to make a smooth transition to Raikes's successor, Stephen Elop.

Wow, another departure in the top leadership of a major UC contender: Microsoft announces the retirement of Business Division president Jeff Raikes.Raikes led the launch of Office Communications Server 2007.

UPDATE: Raikes tells the hometown paper, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, that he's probably going to pursue interests outside the software business. The transition plan calls for Raikes to leave in September 2008, giving time for the division to make a smooth transition to Raikes's successor, Stephen Elop.