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The New No Jitter

As you can see, we've redesigned the site. You don't need a big walking tour, but I want to call out a couple of key features that I'd love to see people take advantage of.First of all, you'll notice that the Feature articles get center stage in the new design. The big-picture conclusion I've drawn from just over a year working this site is that our readers want content--as much as we can give them, they'll read, and the in-depth features draw big, especially when they touch on hot topics, such as Allan Sulkin's market share numbers, and E-911, the 2 features currently highlighted.

But that center column is also for the new media and formats that we're going to be providing you in ever-greater amounts, particularly Webinars and Podcasts. One of the challenges with No Jitter has been trying to strengthen the connections and get the most out of the management's dual identities as producers of both this editorial website and the VoiceCon live events. You'll also notice that we have a video window on the far right with VoiceCon videos, which will be updated on a regular basis.

Finally, our desire to help you find and make the most of our content led us to create a function called the No Jitter Bookshelf. We know that there are sites out there like delicious and other social bookmarking sites where you can save content, but we feel like what we offer here is pretty unique and worth its own location for you to save content that you might want to reference later. Besides our feature articles, many of our bloggers, like John Bartlett, tend to write short, bite-sized tutorial types of pieces that, taken together, add up to an impressive body of knowledge and source for future reference. We felt that having a single page to save these items to would make sense.

To use the bookshelf, you need to have an account on the site, which you can set up when you click on the Bookshelf link the first time. Once you set up the link, you can login to the site and save anything to the Bookshelf with a single click.

Finally, again in hopes of making stuff easier to find, we've given each of our regular bloggers his or her own home page at the site. Here you'll find all of that person's blogs, plus bio, contact, etc.

There's a million things we haven't got to yet, and I'd really appreciate it if you'd let me know if something really doesn't work for you on the new site. We'll keep plugging away.