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Reflection: The BORG Are Coming & Why

A few years ago some of the readers on the former VoIPLoop commented to me about my sense of humor. I stated, the BORG are coming and I have and still do maintain my reasons for saying so. So who are the BORG?In this case they are the IT/ITC folks that aren't traditional telephony or telecom folks. They are purebloods that want to conquer telecom and as you can see by the disparity of market shareholders, telecom is rightly divided.

Reviewing again, what I said: I cautioned that unless IP and technology is used for the good of the many and not just the few, that our country would not gain an unparalleled global competitive advantage. I argue that this hasn't yet occurred, at least not to the tune of being noticeable. In contrast to the bailouts, these folks aren't in line with palms extended.

I've brought up then, even before and afterwards the caution of entrusting scum bags in positions of leadership and that they would levy the tide in their favor, being not in the best interests of the company, customer base or constituency. Golden parachutes still abound and Presidential pardons or jibes won't fix this ailment lest we find ourselves operating and living in the "one world order."

IP telephony, convergence and mobility are or should become new American strongholds. Instead, it's the same old same of cutting heads or not paying taxes, as bad behavior is rewarded and recognized as a tribute to those running companies and government with such high minded knowledge that only their command is used as justification for their unconscionable salaries, perks and misgivings. Yes, they manage by cutting heads and delivering on that promise to improve shareholder value. The BORG needs to get into its collective state that executive management isn't its best friend and likely never will be. In perilous times such as these, the BORG would do well to virtualize the company executives before getting outsourced or cut by the same executives befriending them. Moving into the virtualization of government wouldn't produce more friends but I'd bet it'd save taxpayers money.

While the zealots on Capital Hill continue to blast Woe Street for their misgivings and demand that the perks (Jets, Money, Women and Art) cease and desist; no one from Wall Street is firing back to line up all the bozos on Capital Hill to hold them accountable for mismanagement, theft, misappropriation of funds, favoritism and perks (Hollywood socials, Money, Women and Art). Worse still, not enough of the public's trust has waned from Wall Street and Capital Hill to the tune of action. Just exactly what the action is or would be, I don't know.

Getting back to the BORG, maybe they should focus on Capital Hill where money is unlimited, and rushing to rack up debt for future generations is the other guy's idea of solving problems. The BORG are upon us but the sky still isn't falling and if they would do to government and business what they are doing and have done to telecom, then maybe we'll all journey into that collective state much sooner. --purely written for entertainment purposes of course.