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Operationalizing Customer Intelligence In The Contact Center : Page 2 of 6

Customer intelligence is the ability to use information about a customer to foster deeper relationships that generate greater profitability. It is also the basis for targeting new customers based on matching key attributes of best customers.

Customer intelligence is a multi-dimensional business problem:

1. Customer information integration
—Is your data clean and trusted by users?
—Have you compiled a 360-degree view of the customer?

2. Customer insights: Segmentation/modeling
—Do you know the preferences, needs and value of each customer?
—Can you predict the likelihood of a customer defecting, buying or responding?

3. Customer insight operationalization
—Have you integrated analytic insights into front-office applications?
—Are you able to customize treatments to the individual customer?

Company capabilities generally fall into one of four progressively higher rankings within each of these CI dimensions.

* Basic—No 360-degree view of the customer, excessive manual analysis

* Foundational—Common customer ID, customer segmentation

* Advanced—Complete customer view, treatments driven by value segments

* Distinctive—Differentiated products and services by segment, insight-driven interactions

Together, the CI dimensions and capabilities rankings form a useful diagnostic model a manager can use to assess where they are and where they want to be in developing meaningful relationships, relevant offers and proactive services.

This is shown in the Figure below: