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Enterprise Connect
The must-attend virtual event for enterprise communications and collaboration!
For more than 30 years, Enterprise Connect has been the independent, vendor-neutral place where the industry gathers. Our September 2021 event will feature a full slate of digital programming. When you attend Enterprise Connect, you’ll have access to expert-led conference sessions; keynotes from industry leaders; an expo hall with all the major vendors, side-by-side for you to compare.


SASE, Simplified

The WFH trend has turned remote IT security on its ear. Tune in to hear from analyst Zeus Kerravala, of ZK Research, why SASE is the salvation, and where it fits in with SD-WAN.

CPaaS: Why It's Imperative

IDC's Mark Winther tells us why large enterprises are going to be in trouble if they don't start using comms APIs soon, and shares other guidance on how to move beyond today's CPaaS use cases, in this Enterprise Connect 2020 session...

Cloud Letting You Down?

Making the leap from the premises to the cloud can be problematic for real-time communications. Steve Leaden examines the issue in this EC preview.