Enterprise Connect 2024: End User Speakers Lead the WayEnterprise Connect 2024: End User Speakers Lead the Way
We’ll have leaders from some of the largest enterprises in their industries, across a wide range of verticals, sharing firsthand expertise.
September 22, 2023

Every year about this time, as we start pulling together the elements of the Conference program for the upcoming Enterprise Connect, I step back, look at the sessions, and think: This is great; I’m genuinely excited to see this program become a reality.
This year is different. I’m not just excited; I truly can’t wait to see this program come to life, and to see our audience’s response to it.
Of course we have a great lineup of deep, insightful talks lined up from the leading vendor-neutral presenters from the analyst and consultant world. But what’s amazing about this year’s speaker lineup is the number of enterprise decision-makers who have agreed to participate as speakers.
Take a look. The lineup is truly impressive. We’ve got leaders from some of the largest enterprises in their industries, across the range of verticals from manufacturing to health care to higher education, financial services and more. They’ll be offering their perspectives and sharing their experiences across the full range of the most important issues facing enterprise communications/collaboration/CX today: Contact centers/customer experience, cloud migration, video and meeting rooms, and AI are the biggest areas.
I’m grateful to these enterprise professionals for their willingness to share their stories and experiences with peers. The conversations I’ve had with them as we built their sessions have shown them to be exactly as smart, perceptive, dedicated, and passionate as you’d expect.
Given all that the industry has been through over the last few years--from Covid to the uncertainties of return-to-office (RTO), to the transformations occurring in customer engagement, video conferencing, collaborative work styles, and the like—this kind of peer-to-peer engagement is just what we believe enterprise decision-makers are looking for, and can benefit the most from. There’s nothing quite like hearing someone you can relate to, as they describe how they tackled a problem you’re facing now. And then having the opportunity to connect with that individual in person, to continue the conversation and dive even deeper into the issues.
To make the most out of this incredible lineup (to which we’ll be adding still more enterprise execs, by the way), we’re going to introduce some new session formats as well. We’ll be creating opportunities in the program, with selected sessions, to extend the discussion after the official end of the session time. The idea is to give participants an extra 30 minutes after the session for informal networking and discussion, both with the speaker and with each other. It’s a perfect setting: A room full of like-minded people, all thinking about the same problem, most of them probably eager to share their own thoughts about the issue.
This is just the first and most exciting thing I wanted to tell you about the Enterprise Connect 2024 Conference program. We’ve got a bunch of new initiatives that I’m equally psyched to share with you over the next few weeks. We’ll start posting the program in early October, adding sessions over the following weeks.
So set aside March 25 – 28, 2024, and plan to join us at the Gaylord Palms hotel in Orlando, FL, for the largest independent conference and expo for enterprise communications/collaboration/CX in North America. Registration opens next week, and I hope you can plan to be there!
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