EC 2022 IT Hero Award: The Good Work ContinuesEC 2022 IT Hero Award: The Good Work Continues
Nominate your IT hero today!
December 6, 2021

While 2021 may have felt like a slight reprieve from an extraordinarily turbulent 2020, the past year still had real struggles for many people. Enterprise IT communications and collaboration professionals working in large enterprises faced many new and old challenges, and 2022 is already shaping up to be another year of unprecedented change.
Not only do enterprise IT communications and collaboration professionals have to tackle the technology issues associated with a return to the office, but they are facing a mountain of IT projects with a host of constraints from staffing to supply chain issues. Given the technology and resource constraints, many IT communications and collaboration professionals have also had to resort to ruthless prioritization, focusing on the most important IT project and backburning everything else. (This will be a discussion during next year’s Enterprise Connect).
The last two years have also consistently shown how IT leaders have lent their guidance and expertise in enabling employees to work effectively wherever they are with the help of communications and collaboration tools. And as we head into a new year with uncertainty spurred on by the Omicron variant, IT departments are mostly certainly recalibrating or re-strategizing their plans — for the umpteenth time.
To recognize this innovation, agility, and adaptability, Enterprise Connect and No Jitter created the IT Hero Award, an annual program designed to highlight the hard work and leadership that enterprise communications and collaboration professionals have shown during these challenging times. The first iteration of the award program was a part of the 2021 Enterprise Connect program; you can revisit our interviews with the five IT Hero nominees by clicking on this article.
So, we are once again asking the No Jitter and Enterprise Connect audiences to nominate their IT heroes. If you work for a vendor organization, you are welcome to nominate a specific person in a customer’s IT team. Alternatively, you can nominate a whole enterprise IT communications and collaboration team that you felt showed leadership in the face of unprecedented changes. Also, If you feel like you are the IT hero of your department, then please consider nominating yourself.
Considering that IT departments are swamped, Enterprise Connect has decided to extend the nomination period for the IT Hero awards, now accepting until the end of the year. We hope as you take a second to reflect on the year that you remember the team members and leaders that really came to the rescue. If they are a hero to your enterprise IT department, we want to hear their story, and feel free to nominate them with this form here. We can’t wait to learn more about them.
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