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Meeting Room Frustration: Emerging IT PriorityMeeting Room Frustration: Emerging IT Priority

Whether huddle spaces or lecture halls, meeting rooms are badly in need of transformation.

Robin Gareiss

January 21, 2018

4 Min Read
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Who hasn't walked into a meeting room, only to be frustrated by dysfunctional technology, shortage of power outlets, uncomfortable seating, and poor sound quality?


Improving the enterprise meeting room experience, with so-called "Meeting Room of the Future" projects -- is climbing the IT priority list. IT leaders tie more effective meetings to having not only the right people involved, but also the associated technology and environment. That "environment" is both physical (lecture halls, large conference rooms, huddle rooms, home offices) and virtual (enabling collaboration technologies).

IT leaders anticipate better ergonomics as well as improved meeting productivity, driven by virtual whiteboards, team collaboration apps, improved videoconferencing, advanced artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things (IoT) apps.

Nemertes is in the midst of our annual Unified Communications and Collaboration research project. Though we haven't completed our formal data analysis (ultimately including more than 500 global organizations), several important trends have emerged in our initial interviews. One of the trends relates to these meeting room initiatives.



I was somewhat surprised at the initial number of IT leaders who said they're actively evaluating their meeting rooms and have formal projects underway. Half of those interviewed have projects underway, completed, or planned.

Meeting rooms clearly have become both a pain point and a huge opportunity for IT staffs. Meeting Room of the Future projects go beyond simply evaluating audioconferencing bridges and videoconferencing screens. They're looking at a wide variety of areas.

From a high level, IT leaders are trying to gain centralized control of all meeting rooms across their organizations. Now, management of meeting rooms is disjointed. In some cases, facilities owns them, which typically means the management is decentralized and unorganized. In other cases, local IT staffs are managing them. Either case is resulting in inconsistent experiences -- different devices, services, apps, network connectivity, and more.

They're also trying to make meeting rooms themselves consistent across the organization. Segmented by size and location, rooms will contain a pre-defined and consistent set of technologies and apps. They'll also have consistent standards for devices (i.e., audio bridges, video screens, digital whiteboards, etc.), sound quality, and video resolution.

Beyond that, they'll have standard design and furniture arrangements, with ergonomic seating, consistent locations for power outlets and network connections (unless the rooms are all wireless), and automated temperature and lighting based on the meeting activities.

Along those lines, IT leaders are trying to provide more automation in meeting rooms. For example, they might use IoT sensors to gauge whether a meeting room is utilized and, if not, to update the reservation system. One CIO said his meeting space is 90% reserved, but typically only 60% utilized. (On average, our early results show nearly 75% of meeting room space is utilized in a given day.) If a meeting room remains empty within 10 minutes of a scheduled start time, having an IoT sensor send an update to the scheduling app could make the room available for last-minute meetings.

These improvements require solid management and monitoring tools. However, the majority of the early study participants said they don't have adequate data to manage their meeting rooms effectively. They need to have better metrics on utilization -- information not only on how much the rooms themselves are utilized, but also the technologies.

For example, understanding the amount of videoconferencing traffic from room A to room B would help with network engineering. And when it comes to the meeting room technologies, performance statistics are another area of management deficiency. "We're flying blind in terms of utilization and performance," the collaboration director for a global financial-services company told us.

Several other areas also are part of the analysis, with varying levels of priority. Some of the most vital requirements are the most mundane. The most vital requirement is simply having enough power outlets and making sure those are conveniently located. Along with that is technology that's easy to set up, preferably with one-click starts to conferences. Calendar integration with conference room scheduling is another area for improvement.

Moving forward, leading-edge companies want to add sensors to rooms that recognize when the leader enters (either via biometrics or an employee badge). At that point, the audio/videoconferences start automatically, and team collaboration rooms open immediately with all the presentations, meeting notes, and documents loaded and ready for use. They expect such automation to eliminate the 10 to 15 minutes of wasted set-up time at the start of each meeting.

Bottom line, once a Meeting Room of the Future project is complete:


  • Meetings spaces will be standardized. Once you learn how to operate or work in one room, you can do the same in all rooms.

  • Technology will be better, and take remote participants into consideration. Rather than drawing on a static whiteboard, effective only for people physically in that meeting room, you would draw on a digital whiteboard, effective for all participants.

  • Automation will eliminate human error resulting in wasted time trying to launch collaboration technologies.

  • More attention to ergonomics will make meeting spaces more comfortable, keeping employees focused, free of pain, and more attentive to the topic at hand.

  • Meeting utilization will improve with better management tools and associated metrics. Likewise, enhancements to the technology will be based on actual adoption and performance.

About the Author

Robin Gareiss

Robin Gareiss is CEO and Principal Analyst at Metrigy, where she oversees research product development, conducts primary research, and advises leading enterprises, vendors, and carriers.


For 25+ years, Ms. Gareiss has advised hundreds of senior IT executives, ranging in size from Fortune 100 to Fortune 1000, developing technology strategies and analyzing how they can transform their businesses. She has developed industry-leading, interactive cost models for some of the world’s largest enterprises and vendors.


Ms. Gareiss leads Metrigy’s Digital Transformation and Digital Customer Experience research. She also is a widely recognized expert in the communications field, with specialty areas of contact center, AI-enabled customer engagement, customer success analytics, and UCC. She is a sought-after speaker at conferences and trade shows, presenting at events such as Enterprise Connect, ICMI, IDG’s FutureIT, Interop, Mobile Business Expo, and CeBit. She also writes a blog for No Jitter.


Additional entrepreneurial experience includes co-founding and overseeing marketing and business development for The OnBoard Group, a water-purification and general contracting business in Illinois. She also served as president and treasurer of Living Hope Lutheran Church, led youth mission trips, and ran successful fundraisers for children’s cancer research. She serves on the University of Illinois College of Media Advisory Council, as well.


Before starting Metrigy, Ms. Gareiss was President and Co-Founder of Nemertes Research. Prior to that, she shaped technology and business coverage as Senior News Editor of InformationWeek, a leading business-technology publication with 440,000 readers. She also served in a variety of capacities at Data Communications and CommunicationsWeek magazines, where helped set strategic direction, oversaw reader surveys, and provided quantitative and statistical analysis. In addition to publishing hundreds of research reports, she has won several prestigious awards for her in-depth analyses of business-technology issues. Ms. Gareiss also taught ethics at the Poynter Institute for Advanced Media Studies. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Newsweek, and American Medical News.


She earned a bachelor of science degree in journalism from the University of Illinois and lives in Illinois.

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