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2019 Enterprise Contact Center & CX Survey Results2019 Enterprise Contact Center & CX Survey Results

Michelle Burbick

August 14, 2019

16 Slides
2019 Contact Center & CX Survey Results - Slide 1

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At Enterprise Connect and on No Jitter, we’ve been saying it for a couple years now: The contact center space is hot and getting hotter. Contact center solution vendors are differentiating and experimenting with new functionality as a means to edge out the competition, while enterprises are doing the same by adopting emerging technologies and new strategies for boosting the customer experience. For modern enterprises, decisions that impact customer engagement aren’t limited to whether they run their contact center on premises or in the cloud -- that’s just one part of the 2,000-piece puzzle. Today, a wide array of technologies, factors, and strategies can affect the quality of a customer engagement. We took the pulse of the Enterprise Connect and No Jitter audiences in our first-ever Enterprise Contact Center & CX Survey, asking a wide variety of questions aimed at revealing not only how enterprises approach the contact center estate but also the manner in which they deliver on their customer experience goals. Among our respondent base of 165 enterprise contact center professionals, 83% have direct responsibility or are part of a team responsible for platform and other contact center technology decisions and management. The remaining 17% report having responsibility for directing or being part of the team managing contact center operations, including the workforce. Click through this slideshow for a sampling of our findings.

Discover the top trends in customer engagement in our first-ever contact center and customer experience survey.

About the Author

Michelle Burbick

Michelle Burbick is the Special Content Editor and a blogger for No Jitter, Informa Tech's online community for news and analysis of the enterprise convergence/unified communications industry, and the editorial arm of the Enterprise Connect event, for which she serves as the Program Coordinator. In this dual role, Michelle is responsible for curating content and managing the No Jitter website, and managing its variety of sponsored programs from whitepapers to research reports. On the Enterprise Connect side, she plans the conference program content and runs special content programs for the event.

Michelle also moderates Enterprise Connect sessions and virtual webinars which cover a broad range of technology topics. In her tenure on the No Jitter and Enterprise Connect teams, she has managed the webinar program, coordinated and ran the Best of Enterprise Connect awards program, and taken on special projects related to advancing women in the technology industry and promoting diversity and inclusion. 

Prior to coming to No Jitter, Michelle worked as a writer and editor, producing content for technology companies for several years. In an agency environment, she worked with companies in the unified communications, data storage and IT security industries, and has developed content for some of the most prominent companies in the technology sector.

Michelle has also worked in the events and tradeshows industry, primarily as a journalist for the Trade Show Exhibitors Association. She earned her Bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She is an animal lover and likes to spend her free time bird watching, hiking, and cycling. 

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