Robert Welbourn has more than 30 years experience in networking and telecom, variously as a developer, marketer, systems engineer, product manager, and consultant. He has worked on both vendor and client sides of the industry, as the telecoms manager for an international teaching hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, and in a succession of roles in the Massachusetts high-tech business as it went from irrational exuberance to dot-com bust, through survival to revival. He can diagnose why you're getting one-way audio through your SBC, and tell you why you should be looking to integrate WebRTC into your contact center. Rob is currently working as an independent consultant, advising startups on the architecture and implementation of real-time communications into their mobile and Web-based apps.
Rob is too old to understand Snapchat, but you can follow him on Twitter as @RobertWelbourn, or contact him by email