Georges E. Mokhbat
Georges E. MOKHBAT is Principal consultant and managing partner of MACOM SARL (Paris - France). Since 1975, his career has embraced many aspects of information technology as both a supplier and user mainly in France and the Middle East.
After an IT experience in the corporate user community that terminated in a key position with the Arab Investment Company (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), Georges was most recently CEO and founder of IT-CAL, a successful telecom consulting firm that he founded in 1986. Georges is an expert in telecom and network architecture as well as wireless operations. IT-CAL was acquired in 2007 by the SETEC engineering group, recognition of its successes on the French/European markets.
Georges participated in the TeleManagement Forum launch where he helped as a UAC member in establishing the international standards for Network Management, alongside with major network operators and vendors (IBM, BULL, ATT, France Telecom, BT, Lucent, Alcatel).
Furthermore, building on his personal experience in the Arab Banking market, he conducted major consulting assignments for GCC based banks as well for major regional telecom operators (ETISALAT, STC) as well as to the Lebanese Ministry of Telecommunications between 2000 and 2011.
Georges is an engineering graduate from Telecom ParisTech (formally ENST), a premium French engineering college, and holds a PhD in Networking from the Paris University.